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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tony Horton - How I Made My Millions

Tony Horton - How I Made My Millions

I first met Tony at a fitness camp in 2007. No one had heard of P90X back then. Now everyone has not only heard of it, they've done it! Amazing what can happen in the space of a few years!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Can I do Insanity while sick?

Dear Doc,

Hey , heres my gig- over weight , high blood pressure, aches and pains everywhere, lost a kidney from a dissected artery at 40 , started to diet and light exercise in Oct. started restorative yoga 2 nights a week.
Just finished month 1 of Insanity after my football playin' son said its the best way and now I'm 35 lbs. lighter and going strong.
I feel a cold or something coming on and I do not want to break my stride. Tomorrow starts my recovery week in the program. If I get sick and stop will I be able to start where I left off?
I am new to Beachbody and I seem to like what it is about. My weight now is 235 which is the lightest I've been since my twentys, cool huh?
Thanks for the support,




Way to go Dave! 
Thirty-five pounds down and going- you, my friend are a rockstar!  Seriously, congratulations on your commitment and your success!  Studies tell us that as little as a 5% drop in bodyweight shows up as real, measurable health changes.  You've already blown way past that marker!
OK, to your question.  I think it really depends on how sick you get and for how long.  Make sure to get as much rest as you can, and take it easy this week.  If you feel up it, still do the workouts, just do them at 75%.  You will still get benefit from doing it that way, won't lose your gains, and hopefully can get right back to Digging Deeper the following week. 
Mainly, listen to your body.
You know, even though
Insanity is a 90 day program, your healthy lifestyle needs to become just that- a lifestyle.  So naturally from time to time, when you get a cold or flu, you'll have to back off.  The key is not to let that derail you and set you back into old habits.  When you feel better, decide to pick back up where you left off or maybe go back and re-do the last week or two of your program.  There is no one answer.  It really is up to you and what you think will give you the best results. 
I'm really glad to hear from you and hear of your success.  If you don't mind, I may pass your story on to my email list for inspiration. 
Keep me informed on your progress and keep pushing play!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Hypothyroidism and Exercise

Hey FitDoc

About a year ago I was diagnosed with a slow thyroid (hypo).  I noticed I started to gain weight along with all the other symptoms.  I find I have to work out twice as hard and long and I normally would have in the past.  Do have any tips or advice for me?
Hi K.
Hypothyroid is tough.  It makes it hard to exercise when you are feeling run-down all the time.  Have they started you on thyroid replacement therapy?  If so, your energy level and metabolism should return towards normal again. If it is still sluggish, check with your doctor because your thyroid levels may still be a little low.
I'd say there are two other things that could help.  One is to make sure to schedule your workouts - making them as much a part of your day as brushing your teeth. 
The other is to make sure to do some resistance training every week to build some muscle to keep that metabolism humming as fast as possible. 
I don't think Turbo Fire has any resistance days in it.  So you may want to substitute 2 days a week with weights.  Another option if you like, would be to try
Chalean Extreme.  It has a great blend of cardio and weights- and Chalene's killer motivation. 
Send me an email every couple of weeks.  I'll look forward to hearing how you are doing. 
Good luck!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The all-new FIT TOGETHER facebook group!

Support is the piece that makes the whole puzzle Fit Together!

Comment on your workouts, help support others, make new friends!
Join Doc's new Facebook Group.

Getting in great shape is hard!

We start with the best intentions, but often after a few weeks, just as we start seeing results, life gets in the way. We fall off the wagon. For many of us sticking to our fitness program can be the hardest part.

The puzzle, you see, has three pieces- exercise, eating well, and support. Beachbody programs do an awesome job with the first two pieces, but even the best programs in the universe do no good sitting on the bookshelf collecting dust.

That's why I want to personally invite you to my new Facebook accountability group, Fit Together.

Fit Together provides the missing piece to complete your fitness puzzle and keep you on track! We answer questions for each other, provide accountability, and make working out fun. It is a open, caring, supportive, group. Together we all can get in the best shape of our lives.

Find the missing piece to your fitness puzzle and help others find it too.

Do your best, forget the rest, and
join us!
Iinfomercial results here we come!

(Fit Together is open to all the Beachbody customers I coach, their friends, and coaches in my downline.  It is NOT limited to Beachbody workouts, anything that moves you is great! 

((You have to request to join and I'll approve you.  I'm new to FB Groups, so there may be a glitch or two at first.  Bear with me!))

By all means pass the link on to anyone might want to get fit with us!)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Beachbody: Changing Lives Across This Great Nation of Ours

Yesterday a friend was telling me about his wife's network marketing company. It's a good company, but she's struggling to make it work. The products are high quality organic vitamins. Good stuff. But she's having trouble because people don't see the value in it. Why pay more when I can go to my supermarket and get vitamins? Why buy from you when I can just go to Whole Foods if I want organic.

It got me to thinking about Beachbody Coaching, and what makes us different from all the other MLM opportunities out there. People come up to me asking about products like Shakelogy and P90X all the time.

I figured it out. Team Beachbody is not offering a fad or a gadget. We are offering people the ability to change their lives through health and fitness.

We do not say it is easy. In fact it takes work. But if you make changes, put in the effort and support that with quality supplements, you will succeed. Millions of transformations now back that up.

What Team Beachbody offers is life change!!

Real, tangible life-change.

It's amazing... and that’s what makes it so different from everyone else.

You can't get that at Walmart.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Military Families can Coach for Free!

Active military (or spouses) coach for FREE!

Are you active military or do you know anyone who is active military? Then you have to see (and share) this link:

Beachbody Waives All Coaching Fees as a Thank-You to our military!

E-mail me for more information.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Stand Up for Yourself!

Stand for Your Life!

Stand up.  Right now...  You’ll thank me in a few minutes.

Since you are reading this, you probably are the kind of person who already eats well and you probably do your best to work out regularly.  Great!  (I’m proud of you!)  You are in the top 10% when it comes to taking care of yourself.

But you still may be sabotaging your health every single day, without even knowing it!  

A new health risk has been discovered, and it might just involve you!  

Regardless of how much you exercise, emerging research shows that your health, and indeed your life may depend on how much you sit!!

Are You an Active Couch Potato?

Scientists call this new class of at-risk people Active Couch Potatoes!  (Seriously, that’s what they are called.)

Active couch potatoes are people who work out regularly and meet all the recommended exercise guidelines, but spend a lot of time sitting on the job, at a computer, or watching TV.  Is this you?

Even in healthy physically active people, a significant association was found between sedentary time and heart disease risk factors including higher waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, plasma glucose, triglycerides, and lower HDL cholesterol!

I want to emphasize that the risks of sitting time on your health appear to be independent of how much you exercise.

Sitting Kills

In a landmark study from Australia, where participants were followed for 6.5 years, high levels of TV time were associated with increased
all-cause and cardiovascular death rates!

Importantly, the risk of death was dose-related.  For every hour people watched TV, the cardiovascular death risk went up another 20%.

The people who watched the most TV (4 hours per day or more) had an 80% higher risk of cardiac death compared to those watching the least TV (<2 hours/day).

It seems  the more you sit, the faster you die!

A recent study from the United States examined sedentary behaviors in a 21 year follow-up of over 7,000 men. Those who reported spending more than 10 hours per week sitting in automobiles had an 82% greater risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.  

Take Breaks From Sitting

Luckily the solution is easy.  Stand up.  Standing, even though it is not terribly active, still involves contraction of postural muscles which
kicks your metabolism back into gear.  

Studies show that interrupting your sedenary time even for short (1 minute) breaks to stand up, stretch, or walk is enough to reverse the toxic
effects of sitting.  In fact, one study showed that people that took frequent breaks from being sedentary had waists that were 6 cm smaller
than the non-breakers!

So even if you have to sit a lot during your day, you can take back your health by taking regular short breaks form being sedentary.

‘Nuff said.  You may take your seat now.